Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/230 p. 商品コード 9780387773162 2008発売 Kleiber, Christian/ Zeileis, Achim ウェブストア価格:18,269円
Here is the first book on applied econometrics using the R system for statistical computing and graphics. It presents hands-on examples for a wide range of models, from classical linear regression models for cross-section to recent semiparametric extensions.
Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/230 p.
商品コード 9780387773162
Kleiber, Christian/ Zeileis, Achim
Here is the first book on applied econometrics using the R system for statistical computing and graphics. It presents hands-on examples for a wide range of models, from classical linear regression models for cross-section to recent semiparametric extensions.
#計量経済学 #経済学 #教科書
#Kleiber_Christian #Zeileis_Achim